Is your restaurant refrigerator covered from the inside with mold?
Don’t be discouraged, even if black mold has appeared in the refrigerator. In ancient times, dwellings in which colonies of the most dangerous mold fungus were found were subjected to burning. Today, such drastic measures are not required, you just need to choose a good disinfectant, which will both clean the nasty fungus, and prevent the development of new colonies.
Mildew in the refrigerator is not a disaster, but just an unpleasant phenomenon. Especially unpleasant for food production facilities, cafes, restaurants, children’s canteens – public places, where at any moment the sanitary station can rush in.

Causes of mold
All of us have encountered such a phenomenon as mold in the refrigerator. The common belief that mold appears from a lack of cleaning is fundamentally wrong. Yes, cleaning plays a role too, but disinfection, airing and defrosting are also important. Be that as it may, the refrigerator is a humid environment where food is stored daily. Mold can also get into an enclosed space with utensils that have already spoiled food, such as cheese or bread. If you find colonies of fungi – they must be destroyed immediately. There are 2 ways – folk recipes or household professional chemicals. The first is not really relevant, and the second has secrets.
How to remove mold
If you can’t handle mold yourself, call in the professionals. Don’t hesitate to contact mold removal services in Toronto for getting professional help. Removing mold begins with defrosting (if the refrigerator is an older model), turning it off and freeing the refrigerator of food. Usually, if there is a lot of mold, products in branded sealed packages, fruits, vegetables are washed with laundry soap. And those that have been stored without a cover or package are thrown away – they are already dangerous to health and may be covered with fungus spores.
The pitfalls of folk remedies for mold in the fridge
Speaking of folk methods, it is simply impossible not to mention the aggressive substances that are present in the recipes. These are vinegar, which can discolor a plastic or metal refrigerator, baking soda, it leaves scratches, laundry soap, after which there are streaks and an unpleasant smell.

The already washed refrigerator must be ventilated and dried for hours. This is especially inconvenient if the frozen meat, semi-finished products and fruits that are slowly melting on the windowsills were pulled out of the freezers.
Even all of the above disadvantages are not compared to the fact that folk recipes do not help, get rid of the mold fungus 100% will not work. Only part of the colonies and spores are washed out, while the rest are preserved in the rubber bands, boxes, sealing compounds.
Professional chemistry, or how to choose a good product
When buying professional chemicals, it is worth remembering that it should be designed for food compartments, kitchens and places where food is stored.
For tough stains, such as removing embedded grease, you can apply the undiluted concentrate, leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, and then, gently remove the dissolved scum with a sponge. You may ask, how to clean the fridge from mold by means? Very simple – apply the product to the mold colonies, wait 10 minutes and also gently remove it with a sponge, cloth or tissue.
By the way the product disinfects door handles, telephone handsets and other items for public use. Already after cleaning, you will notice how shiny the objects are – they really look neat and tidy.
How do I prevent mold on other appliances and restaurants walls?
Mildew in the refrigerator what to do, how to fight, and why the plaque of multicolored stains appears again?
High humidity, leaks in the roof of the building, the basement in which water collects – are the main causes of mold formation. In the refrigerator fungus appears from – for the following reasons:
Unsanitary. The unit stores food that has long since passed its expiration date.
Products are stored without following the necessary rules – cooked meals are not covered with lids, bread without a bag, fruit is not in the right drawer. This seems like a small thing until the first mold appears.
There isn’t enough wet cleaning for the refrigerator. Even if you wipe it down 3 times a day with a damp washcloth, it won’t have the expected results. At least once every 3 months, disinfect it