Nothing beats quality service than good customer service. This includes restaurants, bars, coffee houses, banks, and all service organizations. If you want to give the best coffee, it is important to evaluate and come up with solutions whose result will be a flavored coffee and consistently lovable by all coffee users.
Remember that coffee is the most used beverage in the whole world. Optimizing coffee service starts from serving it fresh, according to the customer’s requirements, and researching the different niches to offer quality.
To improve your restaurant’s coffee service, we have come up with several points that can enable you to provide that bold service to the ever-increasing demand.
Get to Understand the Coffee Beans
Suppose you want to serve the best and the finest coffee beans; it’s important to understand them. They are two; the whole bean and the ground coffee beans. The good thing about the whole bean is that it retains its freshness for an extended period than the ground beans.
In addition, the flavor comes from the essential oils, but when on the ground, the oils tend to evaporate, leaving the grounds with a lesser taste. As such, buy whole beans for quality.
All you need to do is to invest in a good commercial grinder. This will enable you to grind the beans depending on the customer’s taste, for instance, the very fine grind for espresso or the coarser ones used for French press.
By doing this, you will be in a position to measure the size required and satisfy your customer’s needs.
Buy the Right Grinder
Choosing the right commercial grinder will impact the result of the coffee, and improve the restaurant’s coffee service. There are two of them, the Burr and the Blade.
In the case of restaurant coffee, a burr grinder is recommended because it will add versatility and produce evenly sized grounds. If the ground is uneven, the cup of coffee will also have uneven flavors, and the reason you need to choose the burr grinder if you want to improve the service.
Proper Storage
Many restaurant owners make a mistake when storing ground coffee and lose customers because of the compromised taste.
Always store grounds in an airtight container, in a dark and dry place. DO NOT Freeze them as the moisture will build up, and the recommended flavor will be lost.
Note that the way you store your grounds has a drastic impact on the taste, and if the flavor is lost, your customers will run away from your competitors.
However, if you want to freeze the beans, freeze them when whole in an airtight bag. If unfrozen, grind the quantity that will be enough for two weeks only when ground.

Water Quality Matters
Bear in mind that water quality is very important. The water you use should blend with the mixture and the coffee itself. While some coffee shops use tap water, this is prone to producing bad-tasting brews. Therefore, it is recommended to use distilled water to give an even and well-flavored result. Remember that there are many brews in coffee shops, and you should not take any chances lest you mess up with the flavor.
Staff Training is Paramount
Never take it for granted when it comes to continuous training of your restaurant’s staff. This could range from making coffee to offering excellent customer service, responding to customer queries, and closing on the issues.
If your staff fails to offer quality service, the chances are that customers will be unhappy and spread the word to prospects.
Some of the training that can aid in improving the restaurants coffee service include;
Coffee brewing tips include keeping the equipment clean, using the right temperature, and taking charge of the water quality.
Besides, conduct market research and get to know the size of cups used to serve coffee. Train your staff to switch the coffee mugs depending on the occasion, and you will improve the restaurant’s service gradually.
Upon offering the right service, you will get positive feedback, increased customer visits, and increased profits. You will find yourself serving breakfast, and with the rich flavor, it entices customers for more, whether lunch or dinner. These tips will act as a catalyst if followed and you will be a happy restaurant owner.